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Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 |
I ran my hands over the new grass and looked into the aging night sky; it wasn't very cold out, but it was a rather dark night and useless for moonlight reading, for the moon was masked by clouds, unlikely to show anytime soon.
It hadn't been an easy week, and with Sabbath already opened, I wanted my mind cleared. I stared up into the heavens, praying for a glimpse of a star, or a silver lining, anything that would take my mind off of the things it seemed stapled to.
A bit disappointed, I began to get up. My phone in one hand and my Bible in the other, I stood and looked through the darkness at my surrounding neighbors. All lights were off and the neighborhood, like most of everything, was asleep. Except for me, of course.
I said my final prayers, watching the clouds drift languidly, my heart sinking. Right as I was about to turn back towards the house, however, the sky illuminated a little, and so did my yard, then so did the scripture in my opened Bible.
This caught my eye:
The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles.
The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart,
and saves such that have a contrite spirit.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous,
but the Lord delivers him out of them all.
Psalms 34:17-19
A small, grateful smile grew not on my face, but in my heart. I glanced up into the sky again, and just for a moment, the moon was unveiled, shining, casting light down onto my part of the world.
The smile spread to my face.
Once I felt lighter, I watched the moon dip silently back behind another mass of clouds, returning the darkness to the night.
With comforted aches in my thoroughly soaked heart, I stepped out of the revived grass onto crunchy lifeless earth, my bare-feet leaving prints behind that would vanish by morning as if I were never there.
The Lord knew I was there, though, for He heard my prayers; He always does.
I don't know why the things that happen, do. All I know is that when they happen, I can't trust myself or my own instincts, for I'm human; I can't see the whole picture. I look into the night sky and see darkness, where God sees the absence of light in my location, for its being allocated elsewhere only to return shortly. All I have to do is trust in Him, for if I could see the whole picture, I'd understand.
He can, so He does understand. He knows far more than I could ever dream of knowing,
so why bother with my own strength?
Lift with the legs, right?
If your back is broken, let God carry you; let Him be your legs. Trust Him, for He knows what He's doing and He will never let you down.