I could ask, 'What doesn't keep us from stumbling?', but the answer would exceed time.
So the better question becomes-
What…..Keeps us from stumbling?
No ropes, no safety net, no props to hold us up…..
But then I am reminded.
Not unkindly, I might add, but I am reminded still-
I hold you; I keep you from stumbling.
Simple, powerful. (Two words I have come to respect when assimilating them to God's direction).
"Ah, yes- You do, " comes my reply.
That's when my horse, stumbles.
I lurch forward in the saddle, brought back to the moment.
A small rock, nothing big. Just a jut in the trail that threw Levi off balance the slightest before regaining his step.
My vision refocuses and I am keen to watch his footing once again.
"Careful…watch out for that one…..Good boy.....," my voice flutters to his ears; they swivel at the sound.
I lean forward and pet the length of his fuzzy neck; he tosses his head, his medium-length Oreo mane swooshing with the movement.
Here's the difference-
If Levi goes down, I go down. We are one like that.
If I go down God remains still, unmoved.
His footing is sure.
Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,
To God our Savior, who alone is wise,
be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen.
Jude 1:24
"With exceeding joy".
Did you get that? I did. :)
It brings Him JOY to keep me from stumbling. To keep YOU from stumbling.
" I'd rather have Jesus,"
I hum the hymn silently.
'Yes, yes I would.'
My gem, Levi.