Thursday, February 13, 2014

Mountain Removal Service, Free Of Charge


He was big, right? I'd imagine he was probably a little scary-looking, too.When I picture Goliath,
I picture this ...
Wall of a man....
All brawn...
Deep bass voice...

Sort of like how Marvel depicts the Hulk...but, not green. :)

 Can you picture him?

I can not (by any means) imagine being David... Marching up to Goliath in all of his fierce Philistine war armor with his larger-than-life sword raised, his feet firmly planted,  being this shepherd boy, armor-less, holding a stone that I had just picked up from the creek-bed, and a sling-shot.                           Yeah.......Right.

Beyond a doubt, I would have stood before Goliath for a half of a second and then fled. I would have said something along the lines of, "Ya'll signed up for this, I however, did not. God speed..."
And then I would have ran back to my sheep as if I HAD God's speed.

Yet, that isn't how it went down. . . .
David stood before Goliath, and with all of the power of God, swung his sling above his head, and let loose one small stone that hit the giant square between the eyes.

Goliath fell, dead, undone by a shepherd boy and a sling. Can you imagine THAT?
Mini mushroom cloud in my brain...
I just can't even comprehend that!

Yet, I can, because David did it by his faith in the Lord's strength. The incredibility of that entire story ... is to the credibility of God. Do you think David could have defeated Goliath...without God? No. No way.

Everyone of us face different forms of Goliath in our everyday lives...giants we can't defeat on our own. You know the song Jesus Loves Me, right?
"I am weak, but He is strong" ?'s true; we..are..weak. So weak.

That's why we have to have God's strength to send our stones flying straight for the spot in between Goliath's eyes. We need God to help us get passed our trials and hardships.

Are you standing before Goliath on that battlefield, holding only a stone? If so, know this:

 "....If you have faith and do not doubt.....if you say to this mountain, 'Be removed and be cast into the sea', it will be done." Matt 21:21

God can not only remove Goliaths from your path, He can move MOUNTAINS.
Ask in His name having unmovable faith and that unmovable mountain will be removed as easily as Goliath fell.
Is that not wonderful? :)