Saturday, February 8, 2014

Sing Of Spring

Outside, snow dusted our part of the Earth; the part forgotten by time. My dad and I sat together, watching the snowfall from the couch opposite of the window. Sabbath mornings are typically the quietest for us, for the usual hustle and bustle is resting, preparing for the on-coming week while we, enjoy the break. Rose lay at our feet unconscious, her dark head ON our feet. Every once in a while a paw would twitch or her lip would curl up from a dream.

If there has always been one thing my dad and I share together the best, it is the silence. After a busy week, with my head resting on his shoulder, his hand holding mine,in that moment the silence was really all we wanted.  

Or so we thought.

I had just begun to doze off a bit, when my dad sat up, 
"Do you hear that?" he asked, in an excited whisper. 
I blinked off my sleep and tried to hear what he was hearing. 
"The silence?" 
"No! THAT."
That's when the most wonderful thing I've heard all Winter sounded from outside, in my ears. The melodic sound came from the bird feeder; it was a male Cardinal. 

I haven't seen my dad smile like he did at that very moment in a while. 

"A bird! A bird is singing outside. You know what that means right? Oh, I haven't heard a bird sing all winter long. They never sing in the dead of winter. THAT means Spring is just around the corner!" He went on. 

The silence forgotten, we listened to the cardinal sing for a moment before it flew off to its next round of caroling. 

......Spring is coming...It sang.
                                                        -Spring is coming-

That's when I realized this very thing:

There is often too much silence shared between people, strangers, between friends and even family. 
Why share silence when you could share the most wonderful thing anyone could ever share, ever. 
Share Jesus. 

Spring, release from the dead of Winter, a breakthrough of new coming, sang the cardinal. 
With each season, we wait for another, whether we realize we wait or not. Isn't that true? 
In Fall, we wait for Winter and in Winter, we wait for Spring. That's just how it is. 
But in this life, we are waiting for Jesus. 

So be that cardinal, tell the world that Spring is coming. New life is coming soon.
Jesus is almost here.